Returning to work!

Returning to work

Returning to work after having a baby will be different for everyone! You may be excited or you may feel like like me, it absolutely filled me with dread! I love my job. But the thought of not being with my precious little girl absolutely destroyed me. At the start you feel like you’ve got all the time in the world and you’re in this perfect little baby bubble. Then those last few weeks creep up and it feels like a battle with time. We’d been inseparable. The thought of being without her really got me!

I started my business just before I was due my daughter, so I worked on this all the way through my maternity leave. But luckily for me my business is from home- so I never had to be without her. I could do my work around her. So it wasn’t the thought of work that worried me, my worries was how am I suppose to all of a sudden start leaving her?

Also what made it more daunting for me was I could only go back two days a week. My place of work where I’ve been for 5 years couldn’t have me back part time. However they offered me to go to a different branch to do this. So it felt like starting a whole new job in itself.

My main advice is just to be gentle with yourself. It’s an emotional and sensitive time.

If you feel mum guilt (like I did and still do!) then please remind yourself why you’re going to work. Going to work to support your family is nothing to feel guilty about!

It does make you appreciate and value your time together more than you thought you could! When you go to pick them up and you see their little face light up makes it all worth it.

Please try and remember there is so many of us who have had to do this challenge. It helps talking to other mums about their experiences and listening to their advice. Please feel free to message me if I can help in anyway!

Gradually it does get easier. I cried on so many mornings after leaving her whilst driving to work. It still upsets me three months on but all I have to do is remind myself that I’m doing my best for my daughter.

I’d also like just to give a heads up to make sure you’re aware you accrue annual leave days whilst on maternity. I didn’t realise I could have used these as extended maternity leave until around a month ago after already being back for 2 months. I could have had an extra 7 weeks off and I can’t express how much this upset me knowing I could have had that time with my little girl! So please check on this before you return as I wish I had!

I wish you the best of luck with your return back at work! If you’ve already done this difficult transition then please comment with any advice!

Lots of love, Sophie xx

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